Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Toddler Masterpiece: Radin's First Painting

Today I busted out the acrylic paints, a few brushes, a few sponges, painters tape, and a blank canvas. Oh, and lots of baby wipes. For today I introduced Radin to painting!  I asked him if he wanted to paint with Mommy and he shook his head in disapproval.  Then I realized he had no clue what "painting" meant, so I asked him if he wanted to color with Mommy.  His answer was then a joyous clapping of hands and nodding of head! So I hoisted him (it's like lifting a giant sack of potatoes at this point) up into his booster seat at the table for some fun painting time.

I forgot to mention that I had already covered the table in newspaper to prevent the inevitable painting of the table.  I taped the newspaper down as I knew Radin would attempt to rip it away.  He did attempt. Multiple times.

I also pre-taped a stretched canvas spelling out Radin's name. I am sure that if you have been on Pinterest at all, you have seen people do this.

I really had to press the tape down onto the canvas, because I just knew Radin would attempt to peal it away.  And he did attempt.  Multiple times.

I cut up a Mr. Clean Eraser sponge into four pieces to use as fat paint sponges.  The acrylic paint is BASICS and states on the bottle that it is resistant to water, but I know from experience that it is super easy to wash off of skin.  Clothes on the other hand, I wasn't sure.  So I made sure Radin and I were both dressed in old clothes that I didn't care about turning into a rainbow of stiff paint.

I squirted a few blobs of blue, green and red onto the canvas and was about to show Radin what to do, when he picked up the paint brush and started painting. It's amazing what they pick up from watching Thomas & Friends movies on Netflix.  One of the episodes features Mr. Perkins painting a picture of James.  I assume this is how Radin knew what to do with the paint brush.  That or he is a genius.  And since he still runs into walls occasionally, I'm leaning more towards Mr. Perkins.

Then it happened; Radin got paint on his hand!  I thought for sure he would begin painting his whole body.  But no, he requested that I wipe his hand off. He doesn't really enjoy his hands being dirty.  If you've ever seen him at the park, you know he constantly requests the sand be brushed from his hands and shoes.  I am teaching him to wipe the sand away on his pants.  Possible bad habit, but I'm tired of being summoned every minute to wipe away a grain of sand. He doesn't seem to mind dirt covering his entire face after he dumps a pail of it over his head though.  Go figure.

After about an hour of smearing paint all over the canvas with the sponges and then making swirls with the paint brush, Radin started to attempt to paint the table. Then paintbrushes began being tossed in little rage fits over being told that he could not paint the chair.  That is when I knew we were done with our masterpiece.  I sponged over the small corner that was still paint free, and let Radin have a mid-day fun bath.  He loves his baths.

Once we were all cleaned up and he was distracted by toys again, I peeled away the painter's tape and put the painting in the garage to dry.  I am very pleased with how it turned out and I cannot wait to hang it up in Radin's room to add a vibrant pop of color and personalization!

I would highly recommend this little art project for anyone with small children.  It was a fun way to share an artsy moment.

EDIT:  Here it is all dry and hanging in Radin's room/  We had to rearrange the Avengers wall clings a bit, but it works.

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