Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Night Before

Tonight is the last night of eating whatever I want, whenever I want.  Tonight is the last night that I will eat "just for the hell of it" or because "it smells so good."  Tonight is the last night of my old chubby life.

I'm not one of those girl's who has "battled with weight" my whole life.  I used to always be fit and healthy.  In high school I had rock hard abs and filled out a swimsuit perfectly.  I had curves in the right places and was toned and sexy.  I just didn't know it.  I have always considered myself fat.  Even when I was 130 lbs and everyone told me I looked so hot...I thought I was fat.  I hid in baggy jeans and boy shirts. I did not flaunt my body in tiny bikinis.  I owned tiny bikinis of course, but I covered them with towels and shirts.  Oh how stupid I was.

Looking back, I was hot.  I had a body for Playboy:  28C boobs, tiny waist, and dumps like a truck...what what.  If I could go back in time, I would slap myself silly and tell myself to wear as little as possible because my body was awesome.  I probably wouldn't believe my future self though.  And I'd be horrified over what my future self looked like.

How did I get here?  Where did the fit and fab little rockstar that was me go?

Well, for one, high school ended.  No more forced PT in JROTC.  No more push ups for chewing gum or talking back to a teacher.  No more laps, pull ups, or crunches.  No more exercise at all.  I also got my driver no more walking across town to visit a friend.

So a little weight gain was expected...the "freshman 15" as they say.  And it happened...but I still looked fantastic.  I filled out a little more in my early twenties when I fell in love and started cooking dinner for me and my boyfriend nightly.  I stopped eating as many vegetables since he hated vegetables.  I also switched to whole mik and white bread, since he liked those things.  So being "happy" added a little more padding to my biggie.

Then he broke my heart, in a big way.  It was devastating.  I went into full on depression/stalker/hater mode for a little over a year after that.  I also lost a ton of weight without even trying.  Mainly because our two incomes were reduced to just my part time income.  And my part time income could barely pay the rent on my tiny ass studio.  So I only ate when I worked.  Luckily I worked for a coffee shop that served awesome breakfast/lunch/ at least I ate well.  But meals were healthier and again, i only worked part I ate part time.  And I partied.  All my girlfriends were trying to help me get over my broken heart, so partying was their answer.  So I didn't think of food.  Just heartache, stalking my ex, and partying to forget him.  I had never looked better, but I was a miserable person.

After a year and half, my ex and I got back together.  He was a changed person, and I had learned a lot about myself in that short span of time.  I was now 24 and about to start my first "real" full time job.  I looked forward to my future.  Little did I realize how much a desk job full of over-stressed women would hit my waistline.  These women at my new job celebrating everything with a potluck.  Birthdays (which seems to happen every week). holidays, baby showers, bridal showers, promotions, hirings, firings, etc.  We even had a potluck for a woman getting a divorce.  There was a constant plethora of pastries and cakes.  And to make matters worse, I sat next to the nicest older Laotian woman ever.  She always packed way too much for lunch, and would give her leftovers to me.  I should rephrase that....she would FORCE her leftovers on me.  "You're so skinny." "You need more food." "taste this...I made it just for you."  How do you say no to the nicest woman ever...or the yummiest Laotian food ever??

Plus the stress.  Oh my god.  I worked for the local government welfare department.  I interviewed people to see if they qualified for public assistance.  So I had to tell a lot of down-and-out people that their low income just wasn't low enough to get food stamps or medic-aid.  Lots of peopled yelled.  Lots of people cried.  My employer piled on the work, expecting us to do more with less and less people.  I have never been so stressed in my life.  But it is a job with benefits...and the best pay I could get with a high school education.

So I gained weight slowly but surely.

Then my boyfriend proposed on Christmas of 2005.  I had never been happier.  I was forming my own family.  I was working full time and had a real career path, coming home and cooking dinner, and really, truly happy for the first time in my whole life.

And, of course, we had to celebrate my engagement with a potluck.

By the time my wedding rolled up in March 2007 (following a extremely fun and easy planning and then a very stressful few months right before we got married with my mother-in-law that I just cannot write about as it still makes my chest tighten up), I was in a size 12 wedding gown.  I had never been that big before.  I felt fat in my own wedding dress.  I look back at photos, and though I think I look beautiful...I look fat and beautiful.  Plus my boobs just kept growing with my weight gain...I was now a 38DD.  Holy crap.

My life since becoming a married woman has been mostly fantastic with just a few minor hiccups.  My career blossomed as I was promoted several times since 2007.  Which means my stress level increased tremendously.  I always thought there was less stress the higher you climbed the chain of command...but that is so not true.  We also bought a house in 2008.  Which was a crazy experience.  So, of course, with more money...comes more bills to pay.  More stress.

So I eat.  I eat because I'm stressed.  I eat because I'm bored.  Sometimes I eat just because I know the food is there.  I'm rarely hungry....I never let myself get to hunger...I'm always eating.

I am now 230 lbs (probably actually a little more than that...but my scale is at work and I have been home sick so far this week), 42DD boobs, not-so-tiny waist, a kangaroo pouch, and rolls forming on my back.  My ass, thighs and hips are huge!!  I still consider myself fat, and my Wii Fit agrees with me as it moans when I step onto it.  I hate that little robotic moan.  Fuck you, Wii Fit, how dare you judge me.

It's been almost 6 years since I started my job with the government at 160lbs...and I am 70 lbs heavier.  That's 11.66 lbs a year.  That is awful and it needs to stop.  I can't just keep getting fatter.

Plus my husband and I have decided we want to start trying for a baby.  But I cannot conceive of me getting "fatter" for a pregnancy.  Plus I have read a baby book cover to cover now, and there are so many health risks to me and the baby if a carry while this heavy.  And it sets baby up for life long health issues.  So something needs to be done.  I need to lose this weight.  No, I rephrase that...I need to lost this fat.

During the last 6 years I have "tried" a few diets with my co-workers.  And I put "tried" into quotations because I am going to be 100% honest in this blog.  I never really tried.  I said I was trying...but I cheated on everything...Atkins...Weight Watchers...Curves...this funky green bean only thing I did for like two days....all of it.  I did each for two days max.  And I blamed everyone and everything else for my failures.  It was my husband's fault because I had to cook him dinner and he was a very picky eater (no veggies, barely any fruit...mainly meat and potatoes and such).  It was my co-worker's fault because they forced me into potlucks and continued brining pastries and caked while I was "dieting."  It was my job's fault for stressing me out.  It was my body's fault for craving fried things and butter sauce.  It was my sister's fault for always being down for a trip to the Olive Garden or Chilis.  It was even the weather's fault for being too hot or too cold for my to exercise comfortably.  Everyone else's fault.

This will be the first time I really want to change.  Wanting to have a baby...and be healthy through my pregnancy and my motivation.  Having sex with my husband without wondering if he's grossed out by my back rolls and kangaroo pouch is my motivation.  Walking up a flight of stairs without sweating is my motivation.  Looking good in clothes again is my motivation.  Feeling good about myself is my motivation.

My long term goal is to get back to 160 lbs.  70 lbs of fat loss.  I hope to do this in one year...though most would say that is impossible.  We'll see.

My short term goal is 10 lbs.  It has been so long since I lost 10 lbs.  Over 8 years since I have lost any weight at all.  I plan to do this in one month.

I want to say that I know I can do this.  But I don't know that.  Im so bogged down by self doubt and past give-ups that I just don't know.  But I'm going to do my best.  Which is more than I've ever done.  I'm going to write myself post it notes to remind myself of my goals.  I am going to stick them in my bathroom, on the fridge, on my desk, the work fridge, everywhere I can think of.  I'm also going to find a picture of me somewhere where I look healthier, skinnier...and hang it up in my bathroom.

I am also doing a combo of that Kardashian diet pill thing...fuck...i can't remember what it's called....but the pills are in my purse.  And the Slim Fast 3,2,1 diet.  I am not going to start my exercise until week give my body time to adjust to the new caloric intake.

Well, tonight is the last night of eating unhealthy.  Surprisingly, I'm making baked chicken with green and red peppers and mashed potatoes.  So not all that unhealthy.  I won't eat the potatoes...cuz I don't really like them.  They are for my loving picky eater of a husband. :)  Then maybe some ice cream later.

Gotta go...I'll keep this updated as much as I can.  Here's to the last night of my past life!!

QUICKTRIM!!  That's what the diet pills are called.

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