Monday, January 6, 2014

Sh*t My Husband Says, Part 1: Dirty Europeans Are My Thing

I have a feeling this will be an ongoing series...

Me, watching One Direction on SNL: That one grew up to be super cute.
Husband: The one on the far left (Zayn)?
Me: No, the one next to him (Louis).
Husband: Ugh, he looks like your type.
Me: My type?
Husband: Dirty, didn't comb his hair, and....European. Like Bard.

Me: Bard?
Husband: The Bowman.


  1. Ewww he is so NOT cute!! lol im secretly kinda diggin' Harry. haha

  2. He is totally cute! You have terrible taste. Except Iyan.

  3. Harry looks like a werewolf in this picture.
